Bizarre Online and the Real Screenshot

Posted on July 8, 2005

Bizarre Online is developing a new game for Xbox 360 called Project Gotham Racing 3. Recently, Bizarre Online shared a screenshot from the upgaming game that looked so realistic that some people questioned whether it was a real screenshot or not. So, Bizarre Online has followed up and posted a wire-frame image that shows the screenshot in an earlier stage of development. The wire-frame image is on the left and the screenshot is on the right.

Initially, people claimed it was just a photograph! I think people have pretty much come to the correct conclusion now though - this is what people can genuinely expect from the next generation of video games. Bizarre Creations are proud to be one of the developers leading the charge toward High Definition, and we're very pleased with the results so far.

As a small gift to all of you who still refuse to believe that last week's image was a real screenshot, here we have the wire-frame version of the same scene, captured from the same dev kit that the original screenshot was taken. After reading the comments from all over the web (ranging from "That's awesome" to "That's a fake!"), we felt we had to release something which proved we're not messing with you.

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