Habbo Hotel to Offer Mobile Version

Posted on August 14, 2006

Habbo Hotel is a persistent online hotel world that lets people create a room in the hotel, decorate the room with Habbo furniture, adopt pets and hang out with other Habbos.

GigaOm reports that Sulake, the developer of Habbo, has raised nearly $8 million to create a mobile version of Habbo. GigaOm forecasts a bright future for Sulake thanks to cell phones. GigaOm says it thinks Habbo will be successful on mobile devices is "because its virtual-only animations and avatars, exclude some of the real-world problems associated with a MySpace-style social network."

GigaOm notes that Cyworld, a Korean virtual world, has been successful on mobile. It certainly is not as sophisticated as Second Life but it might be interesting as a virtual social network. There is a whole crowd of teens on MySpace, Facebook and Bebo that might eventually start looking for something new.

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