John Milius to Write New Medal of Honor Storyline

Posted on April 18, 2005

Hollywood writer/director John Milius will be the screenwriting talent behind the WWII storyline of Medal of Honor European Assault, the latest from Medal of Honor franchise. A graduate of the prestigious USC film school, Milius shared an Academy Award nomination with Francis Ford Coppola for the screenplay of Apocalypse Now (1979) and is perhaps best known for writing and directing films such as Dillinger, Conan the Barbarian, and Red Dawn. Film fans may also recognize his signature style within the many memorable lines and scenes he's crafted including "Go ahead, make my day" for Dirty Harry (1971) and the U.S.S. Indianapolis scene in Jaws (1975).

Dan Winters, the game's Executive Producer recently blogged about what it is like having Milius on board to write Medal of Honor: European Assault Blog. He says Milius is like a "walking history encyclopedia."

In Medal of Honor European Assault gamers will play as US Army Lieutenant William Holt, hand-picked by William "Wild Bill" Donovan to be the first field agent of the newly formed Office of Strategic Services -- the OSS. As Lieutenant Holt, classified missions take place in WWII Europe and are of critical importance to the Allies. Gamers will be tasked with gathering intelligence regarding the development and deployment of the deadly Nazi Tiger Tank and more significantly, stopping the Nazi plan to develop and harness atomic energy. In the pursuit of this goal players are thrust into action in all the pivotal battles of WWII Europe, including St. Nazaire, North Africa, Stalingrad, and the Battle of the Bulge. Medal of Honor European Assault is scheduled to ship later this summer for the PlayStation2, Xbox and Nintendo GameCube.

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