One Fingered Game Console From Japan

Posted on October 8, 2008

Above is a strange new game available in Japan where you use your finger to interact with the characters and objects in the game. The object shown in the graphic above is a little digital panda. Dvice says there's also a stick man and little girl?

Dvice says, "When you slip your finger inside the box, a digital representation of it appears on the screen. You can then use your finger to interact with games, such as playing with a tiny panda, tormenting a little stick figure, or, uh, stroking a girls face. Not creepy at all! The little box will sell for $30 in Japan, but I'm sure you can find it online for import if you really want to try it out."

It is creepy and very, very weird. Who would even think of inventing a one finger console?

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