Scrabulous No Longer Available on Facebook

Posted on July 29, 2008

The popular Scrabulous game on Facebook has been disabled reports the New York Times' Bits blog.

If you try to pull up the popular Scrabble-like game, you get the following message: "Scrabulous is disabled for U.S. and Canadian users until further notice. If you would like to stay informed about developments in this matter, please click here." If you click, you get a form from the Scrabulous founders asking for your e-mail address so they can keep you posted on further developments.

It is a bit of a surprise that Scrabulous, an obvious copy of the board game Scrabble, managed to avoid shutdown as long as it did. I loved to play Scrabulous as much as the next person, but Hasbro, owner of the rights to Scrabble in the United States, was not amused.

Earlier this year Hasbro wanted the popular application shut down but there were hopes that Hasbro and the developers could come up with an amicable agreement. The latest update on the Bits blog is that it was the Scrabulous developers that shut down the popular Facebook application. Outside the U.S. and Canada the game can apparently still be played. Inside the Canada and the U.S. it is going to leave a lot of Facebook Scrabulous addicts unhappy.

Hasbro and its partner Electronic Arts are no doubt hoping the interest in online Scrabble to its online Scrabble game which recently debuted on Facebook.

Scrabulous can still be played from the website for now. Here's a song for all of you Scrabulous die-hards.

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