Sony Announces PS4 Price Drop and 2015 Holiday Bundles

Posted on October 18, 2015

Sony announced a price drop for the PS4 on October 9. The game console costs $349.99 now instead of $399.99. Sony also lowered priced on the upcoming holiday bundles by $50 on most of the bundles.

The Star Wars Battlefront PS4 Bundle is pictured above. It will cost $399.99 and will be released on November 17. Here is a list of the bundles with prices and release dates. The official announcement from Sony can be found here.

Sometimes bundles from the previous season are discounted by the retailers during the holidays and in Black Friday sales. Last year there was a bundle marketed as the Black Friday bundle by some retailers that featured a 500GB system with Grand Theft Auto V and The Last of Us Remastered.

Here's a short teaser for the Star Wars Battlefront bundle which features a Darth Vader skinned PS4.

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